Thursday, May 29, 2008

Citibank on a roll

Citibank has finally responded by suggesting a slew of browser settings.
The setings once caried out, makes the complaint form work. But it still does not address the remaining problems.
For instance, the security tips link on the Log-in page still does not work.
I've tried acessing their online facility using a licensed windows XP with fully updated IE7 with default settings (with JAVA enabaled) and a JVM installed on my machine.
It brings us back to the fundamenal question... that of usability issues.
How will a lay person know the special browser settings to make their very simple functionality work ?

By the way, the complaint form has the phone no. field with the STD code field as mandatory. But there is no field for a mobile phone no. What if I don't want to use a land line no. !!!!

How long before Citibank identifies the real problem with their developers ... that of a lack of understanding of Usability issues.

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