Wednesday, May 21, 2008

CitiBank Blooper Revisited - test1

This is to acknowledge Citibank India's efforts to rectify bloopers on its netbanking interface ( as stated in their response ). Since the first blooper post on this blog, citibank has responded by addressing the issue over a period of 15 to 20 days. The change it has finally effected can be seen on the home page.
But the change is limited to the home page, where a parallel link of 'citibank india' ( as mentioned in the previous post) page has been removed and the 'citibank India' page converted to the home page.
The effort still shows a lack of understanding of usability issues. For instance, the 'GO' button is the one you have to click to go to the log in page. This link, besides being inappropriate is also accompanied by the ':::LOG IN:::' text next to it written in a jump menu. Interestingly the jump menu has no menu and obviously has no links. It is used only to write text.... Somebody out there is definitely mocking the basic assumptions of interface design.... 'caus it ain't no path breaking design.
Other bloopers that continue to exist include:
1) form handler for complaint form not working.
2) Security tips link not working.
3) Confusion with two inboxes ( apparently one inbox is for help desk the other is for business mails from the bank. which I continue to get on my gmail ID, so it always remains empty !!)
... and many more hillarious ones !!!! keep enjoying

The following example highlights the root problem : point your mouse on the 'GO' button. If you know how to see the script on the link at the bottom left of the browser, it'll show the following' javascript:test1() .... that I believe shows the attitude and practices within the organization.

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