Thursday, November 21, 2013

1890 to 1910

Design Timeline -Art Nouveau
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Art Nouveau was in many ways a response to industrial revolution. many artists embraced technological developments and welcomes the aesthetic possiblities of new materials and processes. Others, however, deplored the grammer of mass produced objects. Art Nouveau was a deliberate attempt to create a new style. It aimed to apply highest standards of craftsmanship to everyday objects. Proponents of the style also believed that all art to work in harmony to create a 'total work of art' that would include buildins, furniture, clothes, jewelry and other objects, all confirming to principles of Art Nouveau.
The distinguishing ornamental characteristic of Art Nouveau is its undulating, asymmetrical line, often taking the form of flower stalk and buds, vine tendrils, insect wings and other delicate and sinuous natural objects. The 'whiplash' curve was often employed.

examples of Art Nouveau work

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