Friday, August 9, 2013

Styling in Industrial Design

In the debate around Styling vs Design, we choose to take a positive view on Styling. Design may be seen as a set of specifications to organize Products, Systems,Procedures and Communication in a logical, efficient, safe and sustainable manner. In Industrial Design, these specifications typically deal with the Style, Shape, Colour, Clarity, and Aesthetics on one hand, and Strength, Durability, Stability, Manufacturing technique , and Human Factors (Ergonomics) on the other. 

In 'Good Design' it is desired that the former dealing with 'How it's going to look' and the later dealing with 'How it's going to perform' are adequately addressed. Good design addresses social responsibility. Good Designs are sustainable and environment friendly. Good Designs are simple and efficient. Good Designs are error free. Good Designs are easy to use. Good Designs make our life better. Good Designs are also enjoyable and desirable.

However, the accusation against Styling is that it is only decoration. It strives to make products handsome and desirable without insisting on 'Good Design'. It demeans the profession of Design and reduces it to a profession of Make-up artists. Although, it may be true in certain cases, we, while allowing a healthy debate , take the following stand on these issues:

1) There is nothing glorious about a Design that is not Desirable.
2) Styling not at the cost of Good Design.
3) Good Styling is an aspect of Good Design.
4) Where price and quality are indistinguishable, styling becomes a critical diferentiator.
5) Effectively Styling communicates positively and evokes physical and emotional responses that contribute to a better connect between the product and the user.

What then is Styling:
Styling may be seen as the final process crystallizing Form and Details, often using the phenomena of Semantics and Metaphors to develop effective communication with the intended user. The Exercise of Styling deals with finer aspects of Form and Detail, Tactile and Aesthetic quality of surfaces, Graphics and Branding, Product Information, Colour and other aspects of product Aesthetics. 

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